
Inside a BJJ gym that doesn't drill (ecological approach competition class)

Can't get RNC? Master these 3 Submissions from the BACK CONTROL DORCEY LOCK, Armbar and Arm Triangle

BJJ Guard passing study - Inside camping


I Handed Zatōichi's Katana Cane to a Katana Master and THIS Happened

I Handed a Sakabatō (Reverse Blade) to a Katana Master and THIS Happened

#Sumo Technique: KAKENAGE

This Back Attack System 10x'd My Submission Rate

I Trained 24 Hours in a UFC Fight Camp

I Proved SUMO Works for Fights

SUMO SCHOOL IN SESSION – Becoming strong wrestler and responsible adult

How Matt Ramos Pinned Spencer Lee

My TOP 7 Offensive Moves/Combos for Sparring

Powerful Mongolian Throw - the Front Uchi Mata (Breakdown)

The Archetypes of Fighting

5 Best NoGi Judo Takedowns/ Throws for BJJ

How To Superduck D1 Athletes(Joey Dance)//Technique Archives

DESTROY Punch Fatigue With These 3 Drills!

Michael McGee's Knee Drop Series Is Lethal

Defending Strikes into Takedowns (SAMBO Techniques)

Iron Kung Fu Rings - How are they used?

I Tried Sumo Wrestling

"Shiko" The sumo exercise you need to try

Takanoyama Shuntarō's Best Finishes - Technique Breakdown

How to Use Long Guard

How Hard is it to Run Away from a Fight?

5 Most Dangerous Judo Throws - STILL LEGAL #judo

Sumo Technique - Amiuchi / Fisherman's Throw

How I Learned Bo Staff Spinning from Scratch

Takedown Combo - Big Inside Trip to Small Outside Trip

Dean Lister's Bottom Half Guard System (Full BJJ Instructional)

How Chad Walsh Perfectly Modified The Abas Snap

How To Make The Slide-By 10x More Effective

Medieval Fighting was kind of... Insane

Dean Lister's Complete 16-Part Leg Lock System (Full BJJ Instructional)

UFC Fighter Tries Virtual Reality Boxing!

The Kimura Trap | One Of The MOST Effective Systems in BJJ

9 MUST Know BJJ Traps | Gi & Nogi

Uchi mata from opponent's underhook

A Room Full of Martial Artists Try VR BOXING

The BEST Kind of ARMDRAG!! (Secret Surprise!)

Former Olympic Boxer Makes My JAB More Effective

How Different Martial Arts Style teach FOOTWORK

Stop Being Perfect: How to Throw Lead Hooks from Your Rear Hand


Can I Use Fencing in Fighting?

Testing Captain America's Shield for SELF DEFENSE

John Smith teaches his legendary low single | 6x World & Olympic Champion

How Different Martial Arts STRAIGHT PUNCH | Boxing Karate Kung Fu

Advanced UCHI MATA variations